Introduction and Objective of the Project The main aim of this project is to design a laser-based security system using an 8051 microcontroller. This system can be used in homes, offices, banks, etc. to provide security. The system consists of …
About the Project Colour-based object sorting machines use sensors to detect the colour of an object. Once the colour is detected, a sorting mechanism separates the objects by colour. Arduino is a popular choice for controlling colour-based object sorting machines …
Why we need Humidity Sensors Humidity sensors are used in a variety of applications to measure the moisture content in the air. The most common type of humidity sensor is the hygrometer, which measures the amount of water vapour in …
What is TPA3110 Audio Amplifier Module The TPA3110 Audio Amplifier Module is a 15-watt, two-channel audio amplifier that can be used to power speakers or other audio devices. It has built-in volume control and can be used with a variety …
Why do we need a variable DC Power supply Variable DC power supplies are used in a wide variety of applications where it is necessary to be able to control the voltage and/or current being supplied. Some examples include: -Testing …