what is a fire smoke alarm? A fire smoke alarm is a device that is designed to detect the presence of smoke in a home or other structure and to alert the occupants to danger. sometimes it became too late …
What is a magnetic reed sensor & how they work Reed switch was invented in 1922 and later used adequately in 1936 by Walter B. Ellwood in the reed relay. A reed magnetic sensor is a sensor that uses a …
Table of Content: What is DIP Soldering Required Components and Tools Video Demonstration Process of DIP Soldering Precautions Applications Visuals of Required Components/Tools What is DIP Soldering: Dip soldering is a soldering process for the mass production of Electronics Circuits. In this …
Here in this project, we will make a smart electronic voting machine using an LCD and 8051 microcontrollers. The purpose behind ​​this project is to build an electronic voting machine that will help to avoid the manipulation of the manual …
Because of the tremendous increase in traffic day by day road accidents are increasing at a huge scale. Accidents due to driver drowsiness can be prevented using eye blink sensors. There are two main components here in this project. First …